The Strickland Foundation

“to be of service to the people of Malta by helping in the development of freedom of thought and expression which, through a free press, is essential to the maintenance of democracy and basic for the proper development of the country”

To help improve the standard of Maltese journalism, and the preservation of its freedom and independence;

To uphold the European character of Malta and support Malta’s continued presence in the Commonwealth;

To foster the national interest of Malta and in particular to promote democratic principles, the observance of human rights, and the exercise of a free press;

To support philanthropic and charitable causes; the advancement of education, including physical education and sport; and the advancement of religion, health, social and community services, culture, the arts, national heritage and environmental protection and improvement;

To finance scholarships and other activities for the attainment or furtherance of any of these objectives;

To assist in such manner as may be advisable and within the means available persons who are or were employees of Allied Newspapers Limited and members of their families.